According to Calistri, regional architects and designers could be more supported though. “Maybe the expo can do some temporary exhibitions during the event or something that local companies can design. It would increase the visibility of local companies to international markets, which is necessary, because there are so many local companies that deserve to work abroad, but they lack visibility.”
Farid Esmaeil, founding partner of X-Architects, on the other hand feels as though he’s been in frequent contact with the expo. Though his firm isn’t designing any projects for the site, his team has attended a few workshops. “The overall masterplan is progressive and the site is moving forward. The World Expo is a global event – it’s important to have international architects contributing to it; however equal chance should be given to local and regional architects.”
Despite there being minimal involvement from regional architects, Calistri is adamant about it having a positive effect. According to him, the heightened presence of international firms in the UAE will push local architects to improve their standards.
“It will push them to aim for better quality,” Calistri said. “If people have to reach a higher level of creation, then all the better. Of course, it’s not great to not design a pavilion – everyone wants to do that – but it’s too late to complain about that now. It’s now up to the community to meet the new challenges.”